The Euromillions jackpot will amount to incredible 101 million British Pounds which is equivalent to 116 million euros. This is the case for the Tuesday evening draw. Only nine countries are going to take part in this huge draw. Each and everyone of the participants will have a fair chance to win the main prize and taking the whole thing down! This person will be the very first winner of the biggest prize this year.
The most recent rollover occurred on Friday night when no one was able to hit the so-desired numbers of 14, 34, 36, 39 and 48, including Lucky Stars 2 and 3. Three ticket owners managed to hit the five important numbers and a Lucky Star which brought a hefty amount of 511,561 euros to each one of them.
Current Jackpot
The Euromillions Jackpot has steadily been increasing in recent time. The main reason for that is the enormous win which was accomplished by a family from Ireland. They managed to win stunning 38.9 million Euros on Friday night on the 29th of December. Since then, the winner was drawn ten times but with no success.
During the last four months, the jackpot was up to more than a 100 million UK pounds four times! A Spaniard even won a prize of 190 million Euros back in October. A guy from Switzerland also took down 135 million Euros in December 2017.

What to do with 100 million?
If you are the next Euromillions winner, you will become the record holder for the biggest prize money win in the 14-year history of largest European lottery! You would have an excellent future and literally nothing to worry about!