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EuroJackpot Lotto
3024 Votes with an average with 2.3

   EuroJackpot is the biggest lottery in the history of Eurolotto launched as an alternative to Euromillions, the most popular European lottery, which was organized and launched by a few European countries in a similar way. EuroJackpot was founded by 18 countries of the European Union, particularly, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia. It had been conceived by its founders several years before it was launched. The idea of the unique lottery project originated in 2006 but the first draw was held in 2012 which is no wonder considering the global coverage of the official distribution of EuroJackpot lottery tickets. 



   The first EuroJackpot draw was held on March 23, 2012 with the minimum jackpot amount of €10 million announced by the founders. The minimum amount of the lottery jackpot is still in force and it can grow from draw to draw owing to rollovers up to the highest level of €90 million specified by organizers of the second biggest Euro Lottery.

Play Lotto
How to Play EuroJackpot

   In order to participate in EuroJackpot lotto from anywhere in the world, you need to go to the lottery online section to select the preferred service for purchasing lottery tickets. Weekly draws of EuroJackpot are held on Fridays in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, at 21:00 local time (19:00 GMT). To play EuroJackpot, you have to pick five main numbers from 1 to 50 and two additional ones, so-called “euro numbers”, between 1 and 10, in the electronic form of the lottery ticket. Nowadays, EuroJackpot is the leader by the number of countries participating in the lottery project but is inferior to the lottery giant Euromillions by the amount of the smallest and biggest permissible jackpots.

Lotto Online
Play EuroJackpot Online

   EuroJackpot online is available on the  official lottery website, which features an interactive map of Europe indicating the countries which participate in the lottery project. Click on the images of the relevant countries that have founded the second biggest Euro Lottery to visit official websites of the national lotteries representing EuroJackpot online. Following the results of the conference which was held in Amsterdam in November 2011, just before lottery launching, a collective scheme of EuroJackpot draws was elaborated. Drawing is held in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, while calculation and analysis of winnings take place in Denmark and Germany. Besides, it has been decided that the lottery’s official website will be used as a navigator throughout the websites of national lotteries of the founding countries where EuroJackpot will be available online 24/7.

Lottery Results
EuroJackpot Results

After EuroJackpot draw is over, the results of the latest draw will be automatically published in this section on the electronic display of the automatic notification system of the reputable agent representing international lottery website. If 7 numbers in the participant’s ticket coincide with the winning numbers of the latest EuroJackpot results, the holder of the winning ticket wins the main prize of the Euro Lottery which can amount to €90 million. All in all, EuroJackpot offers 12 prize categories to its participants including a jackpot. If a player finds 6 (5+1) or 5 (5+0) matching numbers when checking the results, he or she becomes the happy winner of equally impressive second or third category prizes which can amount to several tens or even hundreds of thousands of euro.

How to Win
How to Win EuroJackpot

   One of the reasons why the second biggest All-European lottery in history is so popular is the chance to win the main prize of EuroJackpot for matching 5+1 which corresponds to the second prize category. This chance to win the lottery appears if, after a series of rollovers, the jackpot has reached an amount of €90 million and with no winner it is distributed among the second prize category winners. Apart from the opportunity of winning major prizes of the first and second categories, EuroJackpot participants have a good chance to win prizes of the other ten lower categories. In this case, winning odds start from 1:42 for the minimum prize category for matching two main numbers and the EuroNumber. Thus far, the record-breaking EuroJackpot jackpot in an amount of €90 million was won by a single player from Czechia on May 15, 2015 and by a lucky lottery enthusiast from Germany on October 14, 2016.

How to Get Money
How to Get Euro Lotto Prizes

   If you participate in EuroJackpot remotely, via one of the selected platforms for playing Eurolotto online, minor prizes can be received in the player account while major prizes are paid out by transferring the money to the winner’s bank account or handing it personally in the lottery organizer’s office upon preliminary coordination with representatives of the lottery concierge service. 
While a lottery draw participant can check the EuroJackpot results online, in the event of winning, he or she will also receive a free SMS and email notification from the agent world lottery online whose service was utilized to purchase the winning lottery ticket.

Eurojackpot VS
EuroJackpot vs EuroMillions

   Two major European lotteries, EuroJackpot and Euromillions, together cover 27 countries where tickets of Eurolotto can be officially purchased. Despite the similar playing matrix of both lotteries where players have to match five main and two additional numbers, the odds of winning the main prize in EuroJackpot are twice as high as in Euromillions because of a narrower  range of additional EuroNumbers: from 1 to 10 vs 1 to 12 Lucky Stars in Euromillions. Although EuroJackpot is hardly five years old and offers smaller minimum and maximum jackpot amounts and fewer weekly draws compared to Euromillions project, EuroJackpot is still as popular among players as Euromillions owing to its higher winning odds. 
For reference, it should be noted that the only country in the European Union which officially participates in both Euromillions and EuroJackpot is Spain which is traditionally considered the most devoted enthusiast of numerical lotteries.

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